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Frequently Asked Questions
What makes DOCSMEDI's product different from other brands?
Our probiotics are derived from human oral cavities and have been specifically isolated and cultured for optimal oral and gut health. They are backed by extensive scientific research and have been patented for their unique properties.
Are your products backed by clinical studies?
Yes, most of our products have been subjects of clinical studies. The results of these studies are often published in scientific journals, demonstrating the efficacy and safety of our products.
Does DOCSMEDI collaborate with academic institutions or dental schools?
Yes, we actively collaborate with universities, dental schools, and research institutions. We’re always open to new research partnerships that advance the field of oral and gut microbiome science.
Do you have clinical data supporting the efficacy of your products?
Yes, we have conducted multiple clinical studies on our products. The results are published in reputable scientific journals. We can provide a comprehensive research packet upon request.
Do you ship internationally
Please contact our customer service team at global.export@docsmedi.kr for information about international shipping options and availability in your country.